CAPHE Operating Norms
CAPHE Operating Norms Further Themed in Accordance with Discussion at Steering Committee Meeting (4/19/21) based on summary document created on 4/17/2021
September 13, 2021
Interpersonal/Group Process/Meeting Norms
1. Spend time checking in with each other/getting to know each other beyond shared work.
2. Establish boundaries, not taking credit for other’s work.
3. Identify and address conflict – naming the issue, not the person.
4. Respect each other, what they bring to the table and decisions made even when we disagree.
5. Everyone listens – non-judgmental.
6. Encourage everyone’s input.
7. Recognize everyone’s contributions – everyone’s voice matters – attending to equity within group process.
8. No one dominates.
9. Humor and fun encouraged.
10. Food and beverages provided (post COVID).
11. Transparency and openness of opinions during the meeting and no subgroup conversations afterward to undermine decisions made at the meeting.
12. Start and end on time.
13. Meetings have clear agenda, developed by the group, and stay on track.
Group Composition
14. Invite and embrace diverse participants (e.g., cultures, race/ethnicity, gender) and voices/communication styles.
15. Facilitator encourages full engagement.
16. Goals are clear, jointly established and agreed upon.
17. Progress is made towards goals.
Decision Making Process
18. Use the 70% consensus decision making rule.
19. Transparency and accountability for decision-making.
20. Power, resources and decision making are shared equitably.
Items not Incorporated
- Patience
- Collaborative
- Passion for topic
CAPHE’s work is made possible by funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (RO1ES022616, RO1ES032389), and the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. Additional support is provided by the Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD), #P30ES017885.