Mitigation Strategy Fact Sheets
Freeways and High Traffic Roads
- Avoid locating sensitive land uses within 500 feet of a freeway, urban roads within 100,000 vehicles/day, or rural roads with 50,000 vehicles/day.
Distribution Centers
- Do not site sensitive land uses within 1,000 feet of a distribution center with 100 trucks per day or 40 trucks with operating transport refrigeration units.
- Avoid locating residences and sensitive land uses near entry and exit ports.
Rail Yards
- Avoid siting sensitive land uses within 1,000 feet of a service and maintenance rail yard.
- Within one mile of a rail yard location, consider mitigation strategies, like plating vegetative buffers
- Avoid siting sensitive land sues downwind of ports in heavily impacted zones.
- Consult local districts of MDEQ on status of pending analysis of health risks
- Avoid siting sensitive land uses downwind of petroleum refineries.
- Consult local districts and local agencies for appropriate separation
Chrome Platers
- Avoid siting sensitive land uses within 1,000 feet of a chrome plater.
Dry Cleaners using Perchloroethylene
- Avoid siting sensitive land uses within 300 feet of any dry cleaning operation. For operations with two or more machines, provide 500 feet.
- Do not site sensitive land uses in a building with dry cleaning operations.
Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
- Avoid siting sensitive land uses within 300 feet of large gas stations (facilities with 3/6 million gallons per year or greater).
- A 50 foot separation is recommended for typical gas dispensing facilities
1. Table adapted from: The California Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. Air Quality and Land Use Handbook. Available: