Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision

Project Description

For over 30 years, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV) has worked with and for the community, on community priorities related to environmental issues. For this project, SDEV will work in partnership with buildOn Detroit to expand its existing Anti-Idling in Schools project to four new schools. SDEV will help students learn about air quality by conducting a series of meetings and workshops in each school, and working with students’ schools to co-create an air quality project. This project will also include efforts to explore the potential for additional relationships with instructors, administrators and parents at the participating schools.

The workshops will:

  • Introduce students to air quality concepts
  • Connect students to tools like EGLE EJ Screen, AIRNOW.Net, the Purple Air Monitor Maps
  • Connect students to other resources like
    • Workshops with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation which focuses on indoor air quality
    • Individuals like Theresa Holtrop who demonstrate how to make Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Indoor Air Filters.

This program will offer stipends for 80 students to participate in 6 meetings and workshops about air quality, and also pay for DIY Indoor Air Filters Materials.
After the initial workshops, SDEV will work with about 20 students at each school to
Co-create an air quality project that will take place in the student’s home with their parent’s assistance.
Document their learning through posts on the social media platforms of buildOn Detroit, and the participating high schools’ social media platforms, and their personal accounts to bring air quality awareness to their peers, family members and neighbors.

CAPHE mini-grant funds will be spent on these activities for the four new schools, and SDEV will seek out additional funding to expand to more schools through 2028.