Welcome to Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (CAPHE)

Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (CAPHE) is a community-based participatory research partnership that includes community-based organizations, the health practice community, environmental organizations, and academic researchers. We are working together to develop and implement a public health action plan to improve air quality and health in Detroit.

Online Survey for Air Quality Concerns in Detroit

Please take the following survey, which is designed to obtain input from city residents to identify areas for air quality monitoring in the City of Detroit.  Click here for more information on the survey.

Our Work: Research by CAPHE & Partners

Read through research and publications by CAPHE and partners.

CAPHE Public Health Action Plan

The CAPHE Public Health Action Plan includes evidence-based recommendations for short-, mid- and long-term strategies to reduce air pollution exposures and their adverse impacts on health in Detroit.

In the News: Relevant Air Quality Information in Detroit and the World

Our Work: Air Quality Action and Outreach by CAPHE & Partners

Read the abstracts and full version of our Preliminary Analysis of First Quarter 2019 and 2020 Ambient Air Quality in Southeast Michigan.

Three members of CAPHE are co-authors on a commentary regarding COVID-19, cumulative risk, and opportunities for health education.

CAPHE Events

Thursday, June 11, 6:30pm – 8:00pm: Panel Discussion of COOKED: Survival by ZIP Code, a film about Chicago’s 1995 heat wave. More information about panel speakers and registration can be found here.

Online Survey for Air Quality Concerns in Detroit

Please take the following survey, which is designed to obtain input from city residents to identify areas for air quality monitoring in the City of Detroit.  Click here for more information on the survey.

Our Work: Air Quality Action and Outreach by CAPHE & Partners

Read the abstracts and full version of our Preliminary Analysis of First Quarter 2019 and 2020 Ambient Air Quality in Southeast Michigan.

Three members of CAPHE are co-authors on a commentary regarding COVID-19, cumulative risk, and opportunities for health education.

In the News: Relevant Air Quality Information in Detroit and the World

CAPHE Public Health Action Plan

The CAPHE Public Health Action Plan includes evidence-based recommendations for short-, mid- and long-term strategies to reduce air pollution exposures and their adverse impacts on health in Detroit.

Our Work: Research by CAPHE & Partners

Read through research and publications by CAPHE and partners.

CAPHE Events

Thursday, June 11, 6:30pm – 8:00pm: Panel Discussion of COOKED: Survival by ZIP Code, a film about Chicago’s 1995 heat wave. More information about panel speakers and registration can be found here.


Air Quality in Detroit

Residents of Detroit have been and continue to be exposed to elevated levels of air pollutants. These pollutants have been linked to asthma, poor birth outcomes, and cardiovascular disease.  Air pollution is one of the top public health priorities identified by Detroit community members and its leaders.

For the past 15 years we have collected data about the state of our air quality here in Detroit.  This effort has been a long time coming and will benefit our communities for years to come.  

Angela Reyes, Executive Director, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation

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Partner Organizations


This work is made possible by National Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, RO1ES022616, and the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation.  Additional support was provided by the Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD), #P30ES017885.