Air Quality Monitoring

This page links to information on air quality monitoring, focusing on CAPHE’s work in Detroit for our Public Health Action Plan. The links provide access to a new portal providing access to Detroit area monitoring information and presentations on air quality monitoring, accessing data, and interpretative tools. Additional information on a wide range of air quality topics is described elsewhere on this website, including under Information on Air Quality and Scientific Evidence.

CAPHE air quality portal:

  • This site displays air quality data collected in Detroit, including data from multiple

    networks (regulatory monitors and sensors) and pollutants like PM 2.5 , black carbon,

    sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and others

Several presentations on air quality monitoring are available below:

1. Welcome

2. Air Quality & Health

3. Air Quality Monitoring – what, why, & how

4. Getting and viewing the data

5. Interpreting the data

6. Wrap-up

Some of this is work in progress and we appreciate your comments and suggestions.